Transformation with SAP Object Based Transformation
The limitless transformation of data content - across system boundaries. A wish of many companies, which mostly remained a dream come true. With SAP Object Based Transformation the dream becomes reality.
SAP OBT - less time, less testing, less archiving!
Object Based Transformation (OBT) is part of the SAP Landscape Transformation (LT) platform. The main idea here is to transfer logical objects (business objects) completely. A distinction is made between conversion within a system (Object Based Conversion, OBC) and transfer between two systems (Object Based Migration, OBM). SAP delivers OBT with a predefined Business Object Directory for around 500 business objects, as well as an extensive toolbox for modeling the transformation.
With Object Based Transformation, SAP created a tool that supports the mapping of different scenarios. This includes, for example, moving a company code (Company Code Transfer) or reassigning a plant (Plant Reallocation).
A major advantage of the Object Based Transformation Tool is that further LT scenarios, such as the merging of controlling areas (Controlling Area Merge) or the reorganization of charts of accounts (Reorganize Chart of Accounts) do not have to be carried out individually one after the other and thus sequentially, as is usual in LT, but can be combined in one step by special transformation logics.
In addition, historical data can be transferred as opposed to classic transactional migration. In the context of an OBT transformation, it is possible to change names without any problems during transmission by means of predefined rules, such as conversions.
Object Based Transformation robs you of its complexity
Through clever conception and modeling, various application scenarios can be mapped with SAP Object Based Transformation. This applies, for example, to merger & acquisition transactions when a company code has to be transferred coherently from the seller's SAP system to the acquirer's SAP system. Another scenario would be, for example, the reorganization of existing data structures within an SAP system.
Nevertheless, or precisely because the application area is so extensive, there is a need to extend the possibilities of the OBT tool. On the one hand, the Business Object Directory has to be extended (e.g. Material Ledger addition or the illustration of industry solutions) and on the other hand, the possibilities within the tool have to be extended with regard to structured data fields (usually fields that require different context-related interpretations or where the actual field content consists of several pieces of information) or improved simulation runs.
Also GAMBIT is not inactive here. Based on the concrete needs of our customers, we quickly and reliably develop our own solutions for individual requirements on the basis of Object Based Transformation. This includes, for example, the transformation of data from an SAP system with a classic general ledger to an SAP target system with a new general ledger (New G/L) with simultaneous adaptation of all relevant data to the new logic of data storage.

Emre Cetin, Sales Executive
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