New SAP S/4HANA Cloud update cycle

SAP provides regular upgrades and updates for cloud customers. The delivery cycle has changed at the beginning of 2022.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Releases

A release is a real upgrade of the product. There are new processes and functionalities that can have a big impact on how companies work and processes.

Releases will now be delivered twice a year (February and August) starting in 2022 and will include the year and month (YYMM) in the name. Accordingly, the release from February 2022 will be named "2202", and the release from August will be named "2208".

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Updates

Updates are non-disruptive system updates for the current version. They aim to add functionality to the current release status without interruption.

SAP provides updates for SAP S/4HANA Cloud on a monthly basis. Only in the month before the next release (January and July) there are no updates.

The nomenclature is based in each case on the assigned release of February and August. Accordingly, the number of the respective update is appended to the release product name according to the scheme YYMM.0N (2202.01 = March 2022, 2202.02 = April 2022 or 2208.01 = September, etc.).

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Hotfixes

Deployments of new features via hotfixes (corrections) aim to quickly fix bugs to ensure business continuity.

The fixes and other additional features are delivered and deployed without any significant side effects to the already released software.

The deployment of the hotfixes takes place in a two-week cycle, always on the first and third weekends of the month. The name is also based on the release.

The eighth release of the year on the first weekend in May is therefore called 02/08, the hotfix on the first weekend in September, for example, is called 08/04.


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